
There was a lot of very heavy rain overnight - we had had an amber warning of flooding so were expecting it. When I looked out of the kitchen window this morning and saw the Cairn Water, I knew that it wouldn't be a good idea to drive into town, so cancelled my appointments. It is holiday time after all, and we have enough food to keep us going for weeks if need be, and no work or college to get to. Fortunately.

When the rain stopped at lunchtime, I went for a walk over the fields to Routin Brig, which was definitely in spate. The road was blocked there except to tractors.

On my return, I met my neighbour who had come to deliver the post. Apparently the postie was reluctant to come up the drive. "Go and take a look" my neighbour said. The extra shows what I saw. Apparently the other neighbours have a plan, involving hardcore and diggers. I'll not be driving down there for a while, though.

A good thing I came home yesterday, too, as it seems the M74 is flooded.

I'm sorry for those people whose properties have been damaged. Stay safe, everybody!

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