
By Cygnus

My treasures

Both my chicks and their families are here with us until the New Year! Here they are with the Ards Man by the lake at Mountstewart.

The girls took their children to see great-granny and to introduce her to the baby today. The AM and I stayed home as we are probably still trailing covid germs. I just hope we’ve not gifted them to the others!

We were to meet up at Mountstewart, so Gustavo texted when they were leaving the restaurant where they’d stopped for lunch. Silly me, I’d forgotten that the Ards Man needs a lead-in of at least 45 minutes before he stops whatever task he is doing before leaving the house. In fact it’s usually 30 minutes after he has agreed that he’ll finish whatever-it-is before he even considers finishing….. So we were a bit late to meet up, only a bit though. It’s probably harder getting the AM out of the house on time than it is the two- and four-year olds.

So here is our end of 2022 family picture, apart from me, as I was wielding the trusty phone. I’m glad we’ve made it this far.

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