Santa Baby....I need a canoe.

Not one, but two...

What rain fell overnight. Our road flooded, garden awash, streets impassable. Then the sun came out. 

Did the big New Year shop - you know the way, shops shut for a day, panic buy bread, Nuttella and cheese. Mountains of tins of chocolate sweeties heavily discounted. On the way there, lots of deep water to negotiate. A van ahead of us romped through a worryingly deep flood, the cold water hitting a hot exhaust had dire consequences and he limped along the road with it dragging under his van.

Right, the drawbridge is up, the hatches battened. The dog is enjoying his huge fluffy bed (thanks for the heads up Lady Marchmont). Mrs FP is engrossed in some thriller box set (courtesy of our new Amazon firestick) awhile completing a gazillion piece jigsaw. There is a bottle of wine winking at me from the kitchen.

Have fun.

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