The big day?

Minnie’s mum is expecting and the due date was the first few days of the New Year. Not long after we woke up this morning Tim got a text to say that labour had begun! The plan was that Minnie would go to her paternal Nonna’s house and we would take Tilly the WonderDog. 

When we arrived, Nonna was trying to clear up a bit from Christmas Day. It reminded me of a card I like to send that says “Three Wise Women would have asked for directions, arrived on time, helped deliver the baby, made a casserole, cleaned the stable, brought practical gifts and there would Peace on Earth”. So, two wise women and a very enlightened man took to clearing up, making the bed, sorting the laundry and doing the dishes. And we had a bit of time to have fun with Minnie. 

All photographic credit to Tim!

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