"It's A Sou'Wester Today"...
...And it's cold today too..well, cold for us..@ 15 degreesC - but what change it is from the hot weather we've had..we've had to dig dark into our cupboards for winter clothing - well, that was last week too - and then it was 28 degrees...
But we're pretty adaptable here really - as long as we can get up in the morning and the sun is shining regardless of the sou'wester - and we feel fine - and no medical appointments to think about for a day or two, or three - all is good isn't it..
The fine Weather Vane above - our Son David made for us years ago, from brass. He was actually working with helicopters at the time, but he likes to tinker around doing something different..and we brought it with us from our previous home near the sea where it was appropriate to have a weather vane - it was always so windy there, and it was pretty well on the move all the time - but here - well, it doesn't move much.. the fine Cockerel just sits there looking down at us.
I might add, to be able to get this shot - I had to climb the ladder, to get the right angle, otherwise you would have seen a lovely shot of the roof gable...
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