Trouble At T'Museum

Well the weather forecast has been spot on today, we've had continuous heavy rain all day. It was a good idea then to make a trip to the Steam Museum at Swindon, followed by a quick look around the Designer Outlet Centre.

The figures in the museum are very lifelike and add to the experience. This worker was having a big telling off by his manager for persistent bad time keeping I think. He brought along daughter#2 for support as his companion. She wasn't much help really, and didn't seem confident about his chances of avoiding dismissal.

Strange occurrence of the day:
On the way to Swindon we had a discussion in the car about what the emergency numbers for police and ambulance were in Germany. When we got into the museum my phone rang with an 01380 number which I didn't recognise. It rang again so I answered and it was Wiltshire police as apparently I had just called 999. I checked and I had. They call to check everything is OK. Spooky.

We're having a quiet evening in, possibly with some games, though I am not really a games person. We stopped on the way home to get some Prosecco. It's going to be a challenge to stay awake for the New Year.

Oh, the other news was that the other missing Evri parcel turned up. Something else we now have to return.

One year ago:
Outside Looking In

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