curns' corner

By curns


Late this afternoon we headed towards Wembley. I was wearing a blue t-shirt with a picture of a Walkman sketched in 80s neon. I had a blue beanie hat and, in a small bag, a blue super hero cape. PY was similarly dressed and was carrying some blue face paints.  We were heading to the Gathering of the Clans or, at least on earth, the Guardians of The Galaxy Secret Cinema experience. We walked from the tube and kept passing people dressed for intergalactic travel who pointed us down some side streets where we joined a queue. The PY showed somebody a badge and we were sent to join a different - and possibly shorter - queue.  Quite quickly tickets were scanned, mobile phones secured in a sealed bag and stored so they could be used and we passed into a space portal which eventually transported us to another world. 

Ours was the blue team and we had to locate fellow travellers and, in theory, work towards earning credits for the team.  We have been to a number of these experiences now and they are always superbly done. The cast of characters is fantastic and we embarked on a couple of hours exploring and trying to barter our CDs and action figures in a world built around the movie. We drank beer and had galactic street food.  The cast unfold the story from one of the movies around you and it culminated in a fight scene in the main hall before, unusually for a Secret Cinema, we were told told to seek an attendant who could release our mobile phones from their secured packaging so that we could take a few photographs before being ushered into the main auditorium to watch the movie.

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