Bits of Life Thru A Lens

By KimD

Glad someone thinks it's funny!

He about gave me a heart attack tonight.

I had to work today. He asked if he could ride his bike over to the nearby strip mall to meet some friends for pizza. I checked in with both kids around 2:30 and he was just about to head out. I got home about 6:30 and he wasn't home yet. I was on the phone with my mom and didn't realize he wasn't home until about 7. I thought it was odd. I didn't expect him to be gone so long. But we hadn't established a time he HAD to be home by nor had we discussed what time he thought he'd be back.

At 8 it started to rain. I tried calling his cell but got no answer (not unusual). About 8:15 I drove over to the strip mall looking for him and / or his bike. No sign of either. By 8:30 I was calling friends trying to get the numbers of the kids he was with, calling them, and getting no one on the phone. At 9 I had the local police number in hand and was just about to call them when I finally heard from him.

Lessons learned:

1. Always have an expected return time established.
2. Always leave the numbers of the friends you will be meeting.
3. If plans change those plans must be communicated to me and a response received. (He said he texted me but his phone must have shut off accidentally when he put it in his pocket. I never got a text.)

All's well that ends well but trust me, I was NOT laughing when this picture was taken!

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