Family friends and fun

Today is Charlotte's birthday and to celebrate she, Maddy and I went for lunch at aTai restaurant in Hatfield Heath. Goodness but it was delicious. Back home and I spent the rest of the day with Robin tackling the jigsaw I bought a couple of days ago until Charlie and my nephews, niece and their girl/boy friends arrived for a family photo (with Robin as happy snapper).  First time ever I've been able to get a pic of my loved ones, unfortunately sans bro but he  still hadn't arrived when we couldn't wait as Harry had to go somewhere and Katy goes back to Lancashire in the morning. Better luck next time, but at least I end the year with a pic of (nearly all) my loved ones.

Thank you to everyone who visited my journal and left comments, stars and hearts yesterday for my special celebration of ten years blipping that happily coincided with a special young lady's first trip to London. Your comments and support is much appreciated - and for the first time, I even made the "popular"  page category on Blip!!!  

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