
Love the way Mx wakes and watches his clock til all the stars have gone and the sun appears and he bursts out of his room declaring ‘It’s morning’ and ready for a full on day. He tells me I should get a clock like his so I’d know when it’s morning time, and is surprised I haven’t already got one!
We baked some frozen pain au chocolat and after breakfast chilled out a bit and Mt unboxed a new game called Save the Dodo which looks fun and we’ll play later.
Once everyone was dressed we set off down to town, luckily no rain or wind so, whilst grey, quite pleasant to wander around in. First time going through the Christmas market (usual tat and overpriced food which we avoided) but then Mt took AR up in the Ferris wheel…Mx and I didn’t fancy the heights! We watched whilst they circled…and loved the views.
Walked round to the ice rink on George St and they had a brilliant time whooshing around with their penguins. I was much more unstable than I expected at first…very disconcerting! ….but rather pleased to eventually get to a stage where I could let go of the side (and their penguins!) and moderately successfully skate around. 45 mins was definitely enough….we all came off warm and tired! Very pleased they’d enjoyed it with no meltdowns or tears, and we went to Victor Hugo’s for some hot chocolate afterwards. Got the bus home (top deck of course) then had lunch and a bit of a chill out.
Later Mt took Mx to the museum and AR and I made lemon drizzle cup cakes then she did lots of drawing and cutting/sticking.
We had pizza for supper then got them to bed….lots of bed time chat about waking up next year, looking at calendars and counting months and weeks.
Mt and I watched a couple of films including Flight of the Navigator which he used to love when he was younger….we’d both forgotten the little boy in it was called Max.
Decided not to bother staying up for the bells, and I can’t say I envied those at the street party in the persistent rain!
Here’s to 2023……hoping it brings good things to everyone here.

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