Planet man adventures

By rowanhagdorn


Well Berlin was wild last night. It sounded as if there was a war going on outside. The waste is dumped everywhere. Firefighters were injured and people were injured. The clash of individualism versus collective responsibility. Hospitals are full and don't really want extra patients to take care of. This all happened despite pleas to keep it to a minimum.

We had an otherwise relaxed night with a film. Had a wander today in a slightly different direction than usual. It's a unseasonable warm 16 degrees, feels like spring/summer. Didn't even need to wear a jumper today which for January is very wrong.

Loved the news about Scarborough who cancelled the fireworks because a walrus is visiting they didn't want to disturb it.

Wishing all blipsters all the best for 2023. Thanks for all the hearts and stars last year.

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