I had heard rumours that "Instagramery" seems to be a lot of "Foodtography" - SO - just for fun, I looked it up; seems rumours were right(ish)
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"Fashion-Food-Design-Travel-Fitness-Nature-Inspiration-Health-Party-Art" kinda puts "our" priorities in order?
Not quite as much of the home-grown this time, just a few Oca and a couple of wee Jerusalem Artichokes. Did not detract from enjoyment, with Aniseed Carrots in lieu of my own Broad Beans though.
Comical aside?
I saw the aniseeds and thought of Dad.
They were often fed when they visited, par for the area/generations. Alice once served "Caraway Cabbage". Dad painstakingly laid aside every Caraway seed, unnoticed until after the meal. He didn't ask, we didn't notice; wondered later if he thought they were Mouse Poo.
(:¬ o)
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