News Of The World (All Good!)

A little collection of good news to start off the week.

That beautiful Iris flower in the top right corner is one of a big bouquet I received from my youngest son and his fiancee yesterday for Mother's Day. Miraculously, it survived three days sitting on the front doorstep, where the florist dumped it on Friday! (We have been away at Pocono since Thursday, and only returned late yesterday evening.)

Those two round medals on the snazzy red, white, and blue ribbons are the Third Place trophies Mr. W managed to win whilst zooming around Pocono Raceway. As you can imagine, he is very pleased with himself!

That batch of colourful postcards has been sent to me from across the globe. I participate in an online project called "Postcrossing" where people from all over the world send each other postcards.

To quote from the Postcrossing website: "Why? Because there are lots of people who like to receive real mail. The element of surprise of receiving postcards from different places in the world (many of which you probably have never heard of) can turn your mailbox into a box of surprises - and who wouldn't like that? "

I really enjoy receiving (and sending) these hand-written cards from unusual locations, and learning about other peoples' lives. The stamps are often beautiful, too.

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