Life through the lens...

By ValC

Little and Large

Love the expression on the pigeon's face!

Quick blip today as we are out at our monthly wine tasting again tonight.
How the weeks fly by!
Tonight we are tasting wines from the Piedmont region of Italy.
As I don't know a lot about this area it should be an interesting tasting.
Not far to travel this time as the restaurant is only about 3 miles away.

I'm not sure when I will be able to post my next blip as we are off to the Lake District tomorrow for a mini break.
Wednesday we are doing a walk with the club , from Kentmere.
Kentmere Horseshoe, Yoke, Ill Bell and Froswick.
We have a good leader so shouldn't get lost like we did on Sunday!

Going up Tuesday, and staying over so we don't have a long drive on Wednesday before we start the walk.
Then Wednesday staying over in Austwick (In the Yorkshire Dales) at the pub , for their French Night!
Back home Thursday.

Will back blip when we come home if no WiFi.

Fingers crossed for the weather!!

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