Friday ... Hero Award

I had a Doctor's appointment with my back at 8:40 am in the morning and I was thankful that Neil drove me to the surgery as it was pi$$ing down like there was no tomorrow.
I felt a bit like an imposter as my back has not been that good for a long time and I was close to cancel the appointment .....
I walked home in the rain and dried off and tried to find motivation to you my year's review and some planning for 2023.
I listened to a masterclass and then the doorbell rang and I got a wee parcel!

It was this beautiful bracelet from Gillian as a gift for me having been given the Hero Award in the Brand Photographers Club.
I was so chuffed and almost in tears ....
Isn't it lovely?
It reads inside (bad language alert!!)

You're pretty Fu**ing Awesome, keep that sh$t up.

Made my day!!!

Also got the 2022 review done but not much more.

Tomorrow Iain and Natasha are coming for New Years Eve celebration.

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