
I looked at the blue sky and then I checked the temperature and then I hunkered on down under a blanket on the sofa for the morning and cracked on with finishing my book (a re-read, a short one, just under 200 pages, 'Story Of My Life' by Jay McInerney). I did get some fresh air out back with a little stationary pedalling mid-afternoon but that's as far as I've gone today. There's the option later of an 8.30pm screening of Aftersun at the local multiplex or, alternatively, there's the option of stopping in for more episodes of 'The Bear' on the telly in the front room - might have to toss a coin!

I tret mesen to a couple of albums from the sale bins at Thorne Records last Friday. One was a 2022 release of lo-fi wonky folk, the other a favourite jazz classic.

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