That blissful sight

"Of all the flowers in the meadow,
I love these red and white flowers the most,
Such as men call daisies in our town,
For them, I have great affection,
When May comes, Before dawn,
I am up and walking in the meadow,
To see this flower again
That blissful sight chases away all my sorrow.
Geoffrey Chaucer

An exciting day. Into school then we all headed off in a convoy of kind parents up the mountain to Durrus cheese. As part of our work on farms, we were getting the opportunity to see cheese making first hand, even better, the milk being used was from a parent's farm. Durrus Cheese is a tiny company, just four employees, but it has a big reputation. We saw the curds and whey being separated, then the curds being pressed and turned in aereated containers. We saw cheese maturing and then, the best bit, we sampled. They produce four different cheeses - all semi-soft, nutty and creamy. I was in shock though. I went to reach for my camera to record the whole thing, when horror - nothing was hanging round my neck! I had forgotten it in all the excitement of packing macs, hats, gloves etc into my rucksack to combat the clement May weather. The farm was in the most stupendous setting too, nestling under the mountain and beside a small stream. Oh well. We then picniced before walking the whole school the two miles home down the mountain. This was quite an event, an an eye opener, for some children, shamefully, walk nowhere. Still we all made it in one piece.

Today's blip daisies from my lawn - a veritable carpet of white! I love them.

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