Baking Scones

Family B are having a difficult time as The Young Master, much like his big sister when she was new, is not sleeping much. It seems to be digestive problems, which take an age to diagnose. Our daughter cut out all dairy food from a couple of weeks before he was born, to try and preempt dairy allergy, so perhaps there's another problem. However, as she has RA, and every bone in her body is aching, I gave her a break. His other granny had helped this morning, too. 

Once TYM had fallen asleep to my rhythmic rocking, we managed to transfer him to this sling (you can just see the top of his head and one leg!) and I was able to honour my promise to bake scones with LMB. All went to plan, and there's not a scone in the house left, after everyone had a share. Mr B managed to catch up with his accounts, too, so a good result.

My daughter took this photo and sent it to Mr PP. As I managed to leave my mobile phone at their house, it's just as well. My snaps will have to wait. It feels scarily weird to be without my electronic glass brick. Worrying how quickly one becomes accustomed to its ever-presence. But I have my knitting, my book and my crossword. I really can manage a few hours without it! :-)

(Little Miss B is wearing the blue cardigan that she asked Father Christmas to bring her. She loves it!)

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