Carolina's journal

By Carolina

Old and New

I thought a lot about the challenge for the first Mono Monday challenge of Jan - set by Skeena.   The first set of photos were rubish so I had to re think my ideas.   If you can't tell, Miss Brookie is Pepas favorite girl and she loves her Pepa too.   The girls had a good day as a girl friend was able to come over for a play date.  I took them to the park for about 40 min and then  after a trip to the house to get warmer clothes, Pepa just told them all to go home.  They were playing quite well when the friend's Mom came to collect her and the girls wanted to keep the friend!  Perhaps tomorrow she can come again.   
    Thanks so much for stopping by and will try and get to journals as time allows.   Joe and I will be here until the end of the week then we'll go on down to Tucson to our other daughter's house.   I think the end of the month will be here before we know it and we'll be on our way home to the North!     I appreciate the hearts and stars of late too and wish you all a happy NEW YEAR!!!

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