Mono Monday: Week 467 ...

... Old and New.

R had today off from work as it was considered a holiday here in the States.  There were several places we thought about going to but in the end we ended up shopping!  Although we did get a walk in as one of the places was an outdoor shopping center called the Promenade Shops.

On the way to the Promenade Shops we passed the OLD Bethlehem Steel property and inspiration hit me over the head like a steel beam!  This place would be perfect for MM's theme of old and/or new as many years ago some of the property was repurposed into different venues.  One of those venues is called SteelStacks ... you can see the NEW ArtsQuest building in my Extra photo.  The OLD Bethlehem Steel blasts furnaces are reflected in the building.

I was going to use that photo as my main until the above photo happened!  As we were coming down from the Hoover Mason Trestle bridge that was built a few years ago we saw a man with a drone.  And then I noticed this man at top of the bridge.  They were doing some sort of filming ... maybe for a commercial.  I thought it was interesting that you have the NEW technology of the drone (in upper left of photo) against the OLD steel stacks. It wasn't until I was looking at my pictures later that I noticed the priest's collar on the man on the bridge! 

Thanks to Skeena for hosting Mono Monday all this month. 

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