West Lomond again.

Didn't wake till after nine.  I'd slept solidly since midnight so should have been well rested and full of energy but I felt that even having a shower and dressing was too much  so I put on my housecoat and went downstairs. A dreich wet day but I fed the birds first thing.  Have to get the priorities right.  Then made breakfast and retired to the sofa. It wasn't that cold but I set the central heating to stay on all day. My new year's resolutions all went by the board.  My "to do" list could go hang.  It's amazing how therapeutic giving in sometimes is though.  After some crosswording and Wordling I felt like cleaning my teeth, which led to showering, dressing and putting away yesterday's clothes washing.  Then I listened to Haydn and plucked my eyebrows.  Found that was a good combination as the eyebrow plucking was mindless and one could concentrate on the music.  Tried some drawing after that with dire results but I shall persevere.  I'm not great but I know I can draw.  Somehow this led to taking down the Christmas decorations which involved a ladder and a lot of untying and packing away. Decided to give them to charity in November apart from one or two special pieces and buy some new and simpler ones.  By this time it was after lunch.  I went off to the Pillars as I hadn't much bread then on to Strath to photograph the alder catkins I meant to take yesterday. First I went to look at the River Leven. There's been so much rain I thought it might be doing something spectacular.   The water was quite high and fast so I tried some longer exposures but ended  up photographing West Lomond and it's snowy top.  What is it that makes hills so irresistible ?   Went home, loaded the photos, did my exercises and spent ages fiddling about processing.  Should I go for colour or mono ?   Decisions. decisions.  Came downstairs for tea and cake.  I'm not getting lighter but I've stopped getting heavier so there is progress and the alder catkins are still there waiting for their chance to be a Blip.

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