
Today several tiny people came to me to persuade me to make finally a blip for TiPS - the stage for Stories of Tiny People and the new tag for 2023: TiPS2023. It is a place to share the adventures of all kind of tiny figures with other tiny people lovers. If you want to get an impression have a look at TiPS2022 or TiPS2021  :-D
Thank you to everybody who added the tag of this creative, funny and amazing stage ;-)

Back to my blip.
My Hanullis ( the name of my H0 railway figures) told me, that Fozzie Bear had rehearsed a show in honour of the Tiny People.
He started:
"I was shocked to read in the papers today that a dwarf had been pickpocketed. I just thought to myself, how could someone stoop so low?"
"Tall people and midgets should never date. Long-distance relationships never work out."
"At least one advantage of being small is getting to be in front in all pictures every time."
At least I could agree with the last joke  :-D
But when I look at Statler and Waldorf I'm afraid it was his very last joke :-D

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