Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Swedish Red cross

Yesterday I though I'd just start the online education about the Red cross and then go out for a short walk to get a blip for the day. I got stuck for hours! Just thinking I'll do one more chapter... and one more... and: Oh, that's so interesting, just one more... Then it got dark and I took an emergency blip photo... But, no... sometimes it's just better not to blip the emergency ones... :D

I've learnt a lot on this online course and I have a few chapters left. It's so interesting that the Red cross, or the International Committee of the Red cross (ICRC), was founded in 1863 from the initiative of Henry Dunant. He and four other men founded the organization and they had their first international meeting in 1864 were the first Geneva convention was adopted by government around the world.

Now there are 4 Geneva conventions, the 1'st about wounded and sick soldiers getting help and protection no matter what side they're on, the 2'nd is the same kind of aid and protection for sailors, the 3'rd is about treatment of prisoners of war and the 4'th about the safety and protection for civilians in war and armed conflicts - short versions! There are also 3 additional protocols that develops protection for civilians in war and armed conflicts and one that is about the third emblem 'the red crystal.

The emblems used are the red cross, the red crescent and since 2007 also the red crystal. That emblem was adopted since it hasn't any cultural, religious or political associations.
The emblems are used in two areas: for protection, where there's a large emblem on white background and no additional information, on buildings, transports and Red cross/crescent/crystal personnel or people being helped. The other area is the commercial and non operational areas, like were I work right now. Then the emblem is smaller and with information, like the one on the sign in the photo.
I could tell you a lot more of the organization, the federation and so on... but, I think this is enough for now. :)

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