A trip to Trago
Raining again, no surprise there. Indie walked across the heath, we returned sodden, but with the dog towelled down, & my waterproofs peeled off, it was time for Mum & I to pop out to Trago Mills. I was thinking, nay hoping, it would be relatively quiet with the weather being so horrendous. Wrong. Lots of childminding grandparents. Many of the schools don't return until tomorrow. We managed to tick a couple of items off our list, including 2 new roller blinds for Mum's bathroom. I can't believe they only cost £3.51 each after the current 15% discount offer. We walked out through to the garden centre to take a look at their bedding plants, but nothing took our fancy. 7 of the many resident peacocks were sheltering under cover. 2 white peahens, & 5 cock birds. Their glorious plumage reminded me of the heathland colours.
I'm now making an extra meal when I can for Mum. Yesterday she had home-baked ham, potato, root veggies, & savoy, which got the thumbs up. Today I took pig's liver in onion gravy, creamed potato, peas, & carrots. I won't make all her meals, just need to make sure she is'nt just snacking. She always has a pud though. I'm also taking her blood pressure everyday for a week as she is on a slightly stronger Amplodipine dosage.
Nipped into Chudleigh for bird food, & a replacement line for Mum's rotary dryer from the hardware shop. 2 more jobs at Mum's. I shall attempt the line replacement when it stops raining, hopefully my brother will be able to fit the new blinds.
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