A Truly Dire Photo

But the only one I have taken today... Well, I took a couple of the moon but I will wait and have a go at Blipping it on Friday when it will be full moon. This is my favourite of my parents' ornaments. It belonged to my Granny on Mum's side before and it is, I think, Cupid, Venus and Mars.

Before I even opened my eyes this morning I realised I had a migraine. Not the best start! It's been quite windy since last night which I'm sure was part of the cause! So first thing I took Migraleve tablets. It didn't take too long to go, but I've felt headachey, slightly nauseous, sleepy and had a stiff neck all day. 

My Dad was due to collect me to go over to his today. Normally he calls me and lets the phone ring three times before setting off so I can be ready. When it got to half an hour after I'd expected the call and he'd neither rung nor appeared I called him. He'd forgotten the trains were on strike! He set straight off then! 

I made some lunch for him - well, finished what he'd started - and did a bit of shopping. He dropped me home later too.

Work went OK last night - it was really quiet. Hekmat came and paid me last weeks' wages. Tonight while I was shopping in Tesco he called and changed my Friday night shift to Saturday. I don't mind in a way as I now have two proper free days, but I was looking forward to having Saturday off.

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