Birthday boy
How is Caleb 6 already!!
Back to school for him today, but as it’s his birthday he is allowed to wear non uniform clothes. He was so chuffed, especially when a teacher (junior school teacher) wished him happy birthday in the playground.
Oscar and Poppy to the vets for annual boosters today - they both did well. Oscar has to go back for some checks on his heart in a few weeks.
Hubby and I had free 15 min hearing test - mine was ok, indicating mild hearing loss, hubby has to go back for a re-run as they couldn’t proceed (wax).
Caleb’s birthday tea tonight with the family - he loved it, more presents (Austin not quite understanding why he didn’t get any!).
Update on AJ - she has had more blood taken today, and they have arranged for her to go to hospital to have further tests and some antibiotics.
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