Sad but True

By sbt

Evening Exercise

just when I thought that it had reached that part of the day when it is ok to relax with a glass of wine and chill out my eldest daughter announced, " can I ride tonight?"

Half an hour later, up at the stables, wrapped up in a fleece and a jacket ( at the end of an English Summer day) I let her ride and went off to look for four-leafed clovers - some good luck wouldn't go amiss.This evening I decided to take photos of the multi-leafleted symbols of good fortune - perhaps I'd get a Blip out of it too. Usually I pick them and by the time I return home they have wilted and are unpressable and wasted.

I found a few and snapped away.....on my mobile. Daughter rode, jumped and then cooled Trigger down. Comments were made as to my weird knack of finding multi-leaved clovers, and then the pony and his friend were fed and put back out for the night.

Home again, mobile downloaded, pictures were rubbish and out of focus. So here is daughter on ponyback instead.


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