An Emergency Rabbit Entry

This is a detail of a pewter plate by an Arthur Court of California. We have an extensive collection given by members of our extended family. Every piece features Rabbits.

Yesterday the weather had improved quite a lot and the flooded roads had improved. Pat and I decided to visit a bottle bank to empty the various that had accrued over the Christmas Festivities.

I tried the local bank which was full and was accepting no more deposits. We drove to Dundee and after emptying the empties we headed off to explore parts of Angus. 

The weather was beautiful and sunny with wonderful multi colour skies. Regrettably no photographs. There was very little signs of flooding apart from one difficult part which required a slow speed to drive through in first gear. Easily accomplished, although the car rapidly approaching in my rear view mirror decided that slowing down was for ‘wimps’. Not a wise move as he quickly discovered.

We continued on and enjoyed our run home via Arbroath and Dundee.

Regrettably no photographs of the journey hence the Rabbit. Who forgot to take a camera?

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