Carpe diem

By EveryDayMatters

Jesmond - A Space Oddity

Jesmond - A Space Oddity

This is my route home at the moment, through Jesmond. There are lots of private schools and impressive terraced houses. The remains of a bygone and very grand Victorian and Edwardian era. It was a time of wealth creation and the boom from the industrial revolution, with every house probably having a number of servants. It may still be the case ! They just call them cleaners and gardeners now ! It is the archetypal upper middle class urban space.

Best thing today was the Commander Chris Hadfield remake of David Bowie's early hit, Space Oddity (Major Tom). The youtube video has gone totally viral !! Bowie is the first song played live in Space..."the most poignant version of Space Oddity every created" said Bowie himself

Back to the 'mundanity of suburbananity' No pictures of space today unfortunately, just Jesmond, feet firmly on the ground...

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