Slow cooked!

An interesting day. It began with Marag pup's first introduction to mantrailling. That is she was to find a person using a scented objected and then using her nose to search them out. She had the idea within ten minutes and them happily spent the morning sniffing around looking for different people. It made her think and she fair enjoyed it.

In the afternoon we took both dogs out for a plod then had to go to Ardfern to leave my window cleaner his money. After that we decided to go to the local cafe. It was fairly busy so we placed a simple order! Himself ordered soup and I ordered their sausage roll.  After waiting 40 minutes I was beginning to feel my age! I asked the waitress when our food would be ready. Without a hint of a smile or apology, she said your'e in the que! You will be served after that couple over there pointing to a young couple who looked about to eat the leg off the table!
There were 3 waiting tables and 3 working in the kitchen but only one person cooking and the annoying thing is could they not have soup in that hotpot thingy so it's ready to serve! As for the sausage roll, I could almost have reached over to the counter and grabbed it!  I could understand the wait for a full meal but come on a sausage roll and soup!
To be fair, when it did finally arrive it was excellent but  still not worth the long  wait.
Won't be going back!
It's building up a wind so its feet up in front of the fire.

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