Beach clean

I had one of my rather ‘left field’ days. I’ve been looking into the possibility of a sofa (although have barely got the room) so went to the beach clean at  Walney. Anyone looking for a link between these activities will be disappointed, although I did have a quick look in a furniture place on the industrial estate.
I struggled to get my maths cse and I don’t think flogging that particular horse until I reached 18 would have been much use but I was wondering what the carbon calculations might be of me driving to a beach clean and collecting nearly 3kg of rubbish (bottles, dog poo bags, tangled bits of fishing net stingy stuff, a table tennis bat, polystyrene, plastic tampon applicators, and lots of bits of plastic that I got a bit obsessive about and which kept disintegrating as I tried to pick it up). It may well be an example of abject futility but one woman’s futility is another’s meaningful purpose and so, as I picked up each salvaged piece of detritus, I envisaged one small creature saved from swallowing it. I realised it may well end up on landfill somewhere, be scavenged by a gull and passed through the system further along the line, but at least I got some good sea air, joined others in a collective triumph of hope over reality, including some families which was nice to see, and just about stayed dry, although it was mightily wet heading down and back.

extra - Mermaid’s Purse

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