Fungus Garden

We got out for a quick walkabout with Spike this morning before the weather closed in again. The dispiriting drizzle turned into something resembling sleet as we walked up the street. At least we could see something bouncing briefly off the tarmac before it melted. 

This interesting little fungus garden appeared on some stumps up in the field just on the other side of the fence. I recognize what we call turkey tail fungus but have no idea what the glistening, slimy looking yellow thing is. If there are any fungus experts out there, I would love to know what it could be. They are quite fascinating up close and stood out at a distance because of their orange/yellow color.

Spring Lake is closed due to flooding, the creek is roaring and we are going only as far as the neighbors' next door for a glass of wine. Janet didn't know what we would sit on as they don't have a couch, but judging by the extremely  shipshape appearance of the house on the very day they moved in, I have no doubt that she will come up with something.I have been working on a simple recipe for some little cracker-like items called 'cheese sables' but something went wrong with the recipe and I wound up with a melted mess on the baking pan. I can't blame it on the oven which is at exactly the right temperature, so I must have copied the recipe incorrectly from Fran. An attempt to rescue the whole thing was only moderately successful.

We're about to plunge out the door into the rain which is not terribly heavy but blowing sideways onto the porch due to fairly high winds. It seems to be one extreme or the other around here....


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