Quiet, yet Productive Day

I slept soundly last night, for the first time since the surgery. Perhaps spending time with my friends last night was they key. I had a great time, and didn't give up for 2 1/2 hours! Then I limped home, iced my knee and worked on my jigsaw puzzle for a quite some time, while listening to my book club book "Our Woman in Moscow" by Beatriz Williams. Pretty fascinating book. Good thing, I'm the reviewer this Wednesday ;-)

I went for a 15 minute walk this morning, out of the complex and down the block and finally turned around. Granted, I walk so slowly that it wasn't far. And I was wiped when I got home. But I iced my knee, and did five long minutes on my recumbent stationary bike and THEN did my PT exercises. That was it, I was really wiped!

But I did this and that, and rested, and then did a bit more. I found this lovely patch of juniper berry on my walk. Without leaving the house (and going to the garden center for instance!) I'm really grasping at blip subjects. It will all get better with time.

Meanwhile tomorrow I am going to try to drive my car to do a grocery pick up. It's only an 8 minute drive to the house, and they'll put it in my car. I think it will make me feel very accomplished. And my leg and knee work just fine. If I get nervous, I'll turn around and call Dan (the ex) and he'll help me out. Wish me luck!

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