
By dunkyc

Full house of fun

My, what a day we’ve had!

Thinking I would make this a cost-effective, budget-friendly….cheap weekend, by lunchtime I was already down on the cost of new trainers and a haircut for m’boy. To be fair, his toes were practically poking out the end of his old ones and his hair had grown so long that we were starting to question if he’d joined a hippy commune. A short, sharp, back and sides put paid to that (his choice) and he’s now looking fresh and ready to face the world once more.

We got back home where we had just enough time for some lunch and for me to bake some cookies, before LadyV and her girls turned up to hang out with us. There followed a few hours of much carnage, gripes, laughter and mayhem as they all played together. I took a quick snapshot of them all here when the sofa had been turned around to allow them to optimise their Mario Kart play.

My visiting parents joined a short while later and it was lovely to have the house full of chatting, laughter and the occasional argument. Just how a family home should be!

We finished off with oven-based chippy tea and all agreed that m’boy was “worse than Trump” as he’d once shot LadyV’s youngest in the neck (accidentally) with a Nerf dart*.

Time was marching on at that point so we had one round of the family version of Cards Against Humanity which ensured that we all finished our time together laughing.

Cracking day!

*Whilst we had a giggle it was a rather unwelcome reminder of one of the lead stories in the day’s news of a six year old shooting their teacher. New levels of the WTF-ery in the US.

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