a bird and the tree...

...and the bird won

i was stalking again - actually i happened to be stalking the resident robin - checking out the nest - making sure everything was okay - they were being very protective as they should be - yet i was hoping to get a decent shot of the nest... not to be - it's really a tangle of twigs and such high up in the tree - but i'm going to continue trying - mama robin was nesting there - i saw her - wondering to myself how many tiny eggs might be inside - it was a small thrill to see...

then my attention was diverted to this magpie - who was coming dangerously close to the tree where said resident robin was located - hence i began to stalk it - i didn't want any disturbance happening to my robins - it was doing a cute little 2-step dance across the grasses - and before i knew - those wings lifted off - i hadn't realized i'd caught it like this until the upload - doesn't it appear the magpie is headed straight for the tree? off on a 1-way course - however, i'm here to declare - no birds were injured in the making of this shot - he flew right past the tree - on his merry way - making for...


happy day.....

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