
By TheBigCheese1

Bye bye Cromer

After a late start and a couple of bacon butties (cooked by Big Bro) I started to clean the carawanga ready for shut down until March.  To make it far less stressful, Big Bro and The Dopski went into town armed with £5 each for the amusements.  The Dopski managed to convert this into 4 rubber sharks - don’t ask! - and Big Bro into £120 when an 18+ machine decided to pay out!!!

Unfortunately, the heavens opened with a massive thunder and lightning storm, including hail dump, alongside heavy rain.  Blip is Big Bro and The Dopski caught in the middle of it!  

Just arrived home.  Emptied the fridge of smelly stuff; emptied the bins; did the washing up; put the dirty dishwasher on; cleaned the washing machine before putting the first washing cycle on.  Was the house empty last week??? No, it wasn’t - gggrrrr.

Back to work tomorrow :)

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