
Nighttime TrailCam video...
This one is from just before Christmas (I keep finding one I haven't posted!)

Cat Jade's night - watching the cats and fox

Cat Jade
Cat Midnight checking on Jade from the distance, then he comes back to me in my bed, waking me up, and then I get up and make a cup of tea...
Ghost Cat (#1,:there are several ghost cats who visit, their ginger colouring makes them look white), he is a nightly visitor
Foxy Loxy, he is always mooching around...


Creative...I am having a bit more fun in ZenBrush3 now, remembering what all the buttons are, until I press 'save', but the delete button is right next to it...aaaggghhh...

All the reds today...

Time for a cuppa...

Have your best day...

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