
By jhf

Goodnight my brave and trusty friend

This is Bilbo my trusty companion for 13 years - he's been through everything with me and always been by my side
He's been a poorly fellow for all his life with atopic dermatitis which basically meant he was very smelly and very poorly most of the time with itchy skin and constant ear infections but with the help of insurance he was able to be kept comfortable. That is until Sainsburys pet insurance said we'd reach our cap of £7500 and he could no longer have his treatment of £600 a month :-(
I knew then that I could not afford to pay for this myself and he had slowly deteriorated until the kindest thing was to put him to sleep
The worse thing I've ever had to do EVER even above getting divorced I think so my blip today is a sleeping baby just before he went off to play with his lost friend inca
Night night bilbo no more pain now run free gorgeous boy we all love you here and always will xxx

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