RIP Clive

Today we went to say goodbye to a very old friend Clive 
My picture today is our front porch and the other Clive building it in English oak in 2005.
We hadn’t seen him for a few years as he hadn’t been too well and the last few months were very hard for him and his family.
He was a great carpenter and worked on lots of churches and Cambridge colleges as well as the 2 homes I have built.
He was also a wonderful patient gun dog trainer and loved his dogs.
His daughter in law read this lovely carpenters poem at the funeral 
The chips are down
Why, oh why, didn’t I build my own coffin?
Now that the chips are down;
Then I wouldn’t have a splinter in my bum
With me unable to protest in sound 

My life’s jigsaw is dovetailed away
And it’s my turn to walk the plank
But my coffin maker also made the boat
And fortunately for me, it sank

Ashes to ashes sawdust to sawdust ,
My preservative had whittled away
Farewell to the woods, farewell to the trees,
A master craftsman now lies at ease 

Goodbye Clive 

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