Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2934. EB

It’s been a really busy day of trying to sort out a few things…return some items to stores and contact various people by phone too, so I ran out of time to do a “proper” photo….instead this is my bacon sandwich and cup of tea that I had when we got home tonight!

I finally managed to contact FOREO about my order to get the delivery address changed so I could send my replacement toothbrush heads to my friend as I had to return my toothbrush to Currys.  It was a bit of a battle but it’s sorted now.

I had an exchange and a return to do, both of which were easy but getting home was a bit slow because so many buses are cancelled in my area every day.

We also had our Residents’ Association meeting tonight for which I do the minutes.  I’ve started them but I’m too tired to finish them tonight so will have to do them tomorrow afternoon.

Just had a quick exchange of messages with my youngest and he’s doing great with his new job which is so good to hear.

I’m a terrible Blip friend at the moment, I will get around to journals soon!

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