Long Day

Last dash to the supermarket for fresh bread rolls and it was up to the rugby club to get the cooker switched on and things started.
Josh, appointed as referee, arrived an hour later so that he could get ready.
Six and a half hours later fifty-three people had been fed chilli and chips, twenty people had purchased hot dogs and another ten had bought cones of chips so hopefully those sales will offset the cost of the teams food. Everything washed up, kitchen, cleaned and left as we found it.

The best news of the day; Joshua was assessed on his refereeing and the assessor has recommended he move up another level.

By the time we walked home I’d covered 5.7 miles most of which was in and around the club kitchen. I promptly slumped in the armchair, had a Mitho Lamb Curry & Rice delivered which I thoroughly enjoyed.

We all sat and chatted until Mrs S arrived in off shift, postponing the inevitable, one more nights sleep before Joshua, Tiana and Karla head back north.

It will be a different house tomorrow.

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