Unexpected Presents

These are part of the Season's decorations at school that have not yet been removed.  I don't mind.  I don't think anybody minds.  In fact, they still brighten up the spot where they were placed.  Perhaps, though, they will be put away soon.

Went to work, worked, went back home.
Before work, though, I got two important, and very nice, emails.

The first email was from my boss -- would I agree if they extended my contract till the end of April?  I did not hesitate and replied in the affirmative.  He mailed right back and said he was happy I said 'yes'.  Well, I'm very happy about the invitation myself, as you can imagine.

The second email came right on the heels of the first, this time through my private mail.  This was from the boss of the other academy that had posted a vacancy last year.  While that vacancy has been filled, another one has magically opened up -- would I happen to be interested?  Of course!  However, I did not reply right away, having just said 'yes' to my current boss.

I do not like 'fixing things' on the sly, so, after my lectures were done, I went to the Staff Room to see if my boss was around.  He was!  We sat down and I explained the situation.  He is now going to mail the other academy and see what can be done.  If absolutely everything works out (might as well aim for Saturn's moons here), I could be looking at a working week of five full days.  Early days, and I can be a terrible cynic, which is good for keeping both feet on the ground.  Right now, though, what is solid is the fact that I have work for at least three more months.  The best New Year's present I can think of.  Of course, I replied to the second email as well.  Hopefully, I'll hear something within 48 hours.

On a much, much lesser note, an email from the Viking after I got back home, with pictures on WhatsApp of the actual document the email is talking about -- the judge has overturned the decision on appointing 'our' Administrator, not because she's been bought, but because she has already denied some of the Motions we filed, and now she wants the case to 'unfold' more fully before she announces her next Resolution.  Fair enough.  The Viking is understandably frustrated.  I, on the other hand, am looking at this whole thing in a more mindful way -- I understand this judge's point of view.  Of course, I'm still a cynic, and we need to stay vigilant.  We have done what we had to do, and we'll keep doing what we have to do.  There will be a delay but I think we'll get 'there' eventually.  I mailed the Viking in reply -- 'The judge doesn't want to resolve the case in our favour because we said so, but because she wants to make sure that, when she does, she knows that she is doing the right thing.'

After 'Death' and dinner, AW left for his usual Tuesday live bridge evening and I'm having a quiet evening with kitchen duties and some odds and ends, and today's post here.

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