Colour splash

Today our local group of the Wildlife Trust held a Bluebell Watch in Thorpe Wood. This had been postponed from the 28th April because of the late spring, which proved to be a good move as the bluebells were perfect. In the morning the weather was bright but with a chilly breeze, but all seemed set for a good day, except hardly any members of the public turned up, despite plenty of publicity. We ran a similar event a couple of years ago and it was packed with people!

I led a walk round the wood for a small and select group. It was actually great fun, and the low numbers made it much easier to include everyone. We saw plenty of interesting wildflowers as well as bluebells, and I was able to explain some of the history and management of the wood. One couple said they'd been walking round Thorpe Wood for years and had learnt a hundred times more about the wood on the walk.

By lunchtime the rain had set in and the afternoon became gradually more damp and dismal. Pete and I took Rosie for a very wet walk round Ferry meadows, but I didn't even bother to take my camera. This image, taken just before dinner in the fading light, is of the tulip growing closest to the back door - but at least it's bright and cheerful!

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