Jigsaw in the dark

So dark today. It has rained most of the day and been so dark all day. Our house has many windows and a conservatory which makes it a very light house. This was one of the things that attracted us to the house in the first place and was obvious the moment we walked in. So it is very rare that we need lights on during the day . . . but today!!

In between house stuff - washing, cleaning, changing beds etc. I have been working on this lovely jigsaw which I was very pleased to find just before Christmas at the bookshop in Carlisle - World of the Brontës.

It is in the same line as the Shakespeare and the Dickens ones, but I certainly know a lot more about what is going on in this one. I just about recognised every character and event. 

It may not have been a good idea to start by tipping all the building pieces on to the table. The plan was to make up all the houses - this has been harder than I anticipated and now I need to take off a lot of pieces. I am really enjoying it anyway. 

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