A time for everything

By turnx3


I spent quite a lot of time sorting through and editing photographs, with a view to rather belatedly making a calendar for us and Roger’s Dad. I used to make them every year for Christmas presents for the family, but the last couple of years I haven’t, partly through lack of time but also wondering how much people use wall calendar’s anymore with the use of cell phones. However, we still like to have a wall calendar and have things at a glance, as well as bringing back memories from the previous year, and we know his Dad likes to see what we’ve been doing, and especially to have pictures of us and the family.
In the evening it was back to handbell practice and choir, and since I didn’t yet have a blip for the day, I took a picture of the handbells Roger and I play. We started a new piece tonight a nice arrangement of Majesty. Choir also was all new pieces. A good evening!

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