A Life

The funeral went very well and meeting the minister yesterday was a big help towards me feeling comfortable in the church environment.  We all spoke well and described her life as we had interacted with her.  Her sons, two adult grandchildren and myself.  
Later in the afternoon the immediate family went out to my second nephews home and relaxed and shared more stories.  My great nieces three children are a wonderful distraction.  My sisters farm house is behind the nephews and we all walked around the garden and then through the house.  The blip is the formal living room in disarray because my niece has started the huge job of sorting through a life time of her parents possessions.  My mother lived with my sister in the last years of her life and so I found letters and photos in a drawer that have meaning for me.  It was a special time to have with my nephews and their children and my daughter talking about the times we all shared in this old house.           

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