New and old..

Nice weather today. Had a walk around the peninsula Bygdø in Oslo where I got my two blips.   

The Color Line ferry, Color Magic is sailing from Oslo to Kiel, Germany at 2pm. It will arrive in Kiel at10am tomorrow. At the same time as Color Magic is leaving Oslo today it`s sister ship Color Fantasy is leaving Kiel for Oslo. Both ships arrive at the same time tomorrow in Oslo and in Kiel. Both ships leave Kiel or Oslo at the same time tomorrow for Oslo or Kiel. 

The schooner Swan built in 1916 is partly retired. It still has some cultural historical sailings for the Maritime museum in Oslo.    

The extra is a 100% replica of the airplane the polar explorer Roald Amundsen used on his flight to the North Pole. The replica was used in the film about him. Hard to believe he and the crew could fly in an open air airplane that far.  


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