Nanou in Anjou

By nanou

At the age of twelve I drew this family tree with the help of my grand parents whose memory remained excellent until late. This is the hand writing of a twelve years old. Unfortunately we couldn't go back too far in time cause most of our ancestors were either illeterate or not registered. As for the ones with a better social status, we could date back their origins as early as 1815 which isn't that early. The last names at the bottom of the tree are those of my sisters and me, children and husbs having been added much later on of course.

This document disappeared many many times upon moves and reappeared each time very unexpectedly. The last time was yesterday when I was already shedding tears on its definitive loss. So promise, I'll scan it and frame it !
Ps: I scratched out a few names for more confidentiality (though they're hardly legible) for as you may know, I'm not the only one involved.

For the ones interested, here's a link to my sister's journal, an old photo of my grandparents that I had never seen. Thanks Marie Noëlle, very moving!

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