Reasonable swell

The weather in Cumbria has been wild today.  Rain and winds have been with us all day.  Not the best of weather to go walking and photographing.  I had to go to town and so visited the beach near the end of the pier.  The end of the pier is one of the starts/finishes for the C2C cycle route.  For while the rain stopped and this was when this photo was taken.  It is a coloured photo, but there aren't that many colours to see.  The photo is representative of our day, a day when Scotland couldn't be seen.  The gulls loved it gliding easily on the wind and/or diving into the waves.  Waves weren't that high, but tomorrow is another day with onshore winds being stronger.  Big seas anticipated.  Rivers are also high.  At present people and properties are safe and I hope continue to be so.

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