
This used to be a bowling green but is gradually being transformed as part of a community garden, the base for our Health Walk.
Car problems today. When I started it after delivering the cafe shopping it said the key battery needed to be changed, Mr Rat found another battery which seemd to be okay so off I went. I came back to the car after the walk and it wouldn't open so I thought the old battery might work long enough to let me in. I tried to open the fob and took ages, then when I did I couldn't get the battery out - and, of course, it had started raining by this time. Next it was take a bit off the handle to fit the key in, put up with the alarm going off and try to change the battery in the dry. I still couldn't so started the car by the alternative method (which took 3 attempts) and then drive off with it beeping at me at frequent intervals to say it couldn't find the key.
I got to car just in time and we weren't too busy, then sorted the fob after we'd finished and got home okay. The weather was misrable but I thought a short run would be good before I got on to the evening tasks.

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